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  • Col NN Bhatia (Retd)

The Assam Rifles- ‘A Force to Reckon With’ By Col NN Bhatia (Retd)

Updated: Sep 13

Editor's Note

The Assam Rifles - 'A force to reckon with ' by Col NN Bhatia is being published by MVI.

The link to an interview of Lt Gen PC Nair ,former DGAR is also given below .

The article encapsulates the history, role, function and accomplishments of Assam Rifles since its raising not only in the North East (for which it was raised) but several additional tasks, challenges and responsibilities that have been shouldered by them pan India and outside the North East .

The interview of former DGAR will give the readers / viewers a good insight to the current Manipur crises against the background of North East India.

Note:- all pictures are for symbolic representation only

Editor ,MVI

With Mr Bruce bringing the tea industry to Assam in 1832, its plantation spread very fast with large-scale tea exports to the UK that improved the economy of the region along with the security needs of the tea plantations. One of the first armed police forces raised in Nowgong in 1834-35 to protect the tea gardens was called Cachar Levy (militia) with 750 all ranks strength became the forebears of the Assam Rifles (AR). In 1850 with 250 strength, Kuki Levy was raised who was feared by the Nagas the most.  In 1938 another similar force known as Jorhat Militia was raised to protect gardens around the Sibsagar area and numerous operations were launched in Cachar, Naga Hills, and Manipur to tame the tribals. These three militia forces were the forbearers of 1 and 3 AR Battalions.

There were four Assam Police Battalions (APBs) officered by the Civil Police and as forerunners of the Military Police battalions were commanded by an Army Officer as Commandant with an English Sergeant to assist in training the recruits. For excellent services rendered in WW1, in Oct 1917, these four ABPs were converted to ‘The Assam Rifles’ battalions as the 1 AR (Lushai Hills), 2 AR (Lakhimpur), 3 AR (Naga Hills) and the 4 AR, adopting black buttons like any Gorkha Rifles battalion.

In the central Assam, a small Frontier Police force of Gorkhas and Cacharis was raised in Tura in 1879 that later became the forbears of 4 AR. The Abors were the most troublesome tribe and in 1864 special Frontier Police force was raised to tackle them along northern borders who were the forbearers of 2 AR.


Between The Two World Wars

During World War (WW) I, the trench warfare caused heavy casualties to Indian troops deployed in France. The Gorkhas recruited in the APBs formed an excellent para military force (PMF) with their training militarized and were sent as reinforcements. Incidentally, the AMPBs were so well trained in the signaling procedures and many units excelled in this aspect over regular infantry battalions. The four APBs that existed then provided relief drafts to large numbers of regular Gorkha battalions during WW I and proved their worth getting many awards.


The Kukis reside in southern mountainous region of Mizo /Lushai Hills, Manipur, Chin Hills in Burma /Myanmar) and the Chittagong Hills Tracts now part of Bangladesh are believed to be the descendants of the Tibeto-Burman ethnic groups have stronger tribal affinities than the Nagas and ethnic conflict between both is severely based on mistrust and suspicion from the British Raj days. After WW I, an ad-hoc Assam Rifles Brigade under Col LW Shakespear, the Deputy Inspector General (DIG) with elements of Burma Military Police (BMP), by punitive actions effectively controlled the ‘Kuki Rebellion’ as the Kukis unlike the Nagas and Lushais, refused to serve as labour force in France towards the war effort who were instigated by the Bengali elements from Cachar and Sylhet. Numerous columns operated from various directions with no transport in the rugged mountainous jungle terrain. Though heavy casualties were suffered in these counter-insurgency operations, the taming uprising led to improvement in training, administration and morale of all ranks with awards of 1 CIE, 1 OBE, 14 IDSM, 1 King’s Police Medal and many Mentions- in-Dispatches. After this operation, 4 AR was also made responsible for Garo Hills with a permanent post at Tura.


In the intervening period between the two World Wars, 5 AR was raised on 10 Jun 1920 at Lokhra and Captain Ogily (1GR) was its first Commandant but later in April 1932 was disbanded as part of the post war economy and personnel transferred to 2 AR. The Recruiting Office in Shillong and Recruiting Depot at Guwahati were closed down and the force equipped with .303 rifles. For their sterling service during the WW I, service conditions were improved and some Kukis were recruited in 4 AR after suppression of their rebellion but initially their desertion level was high.  The AR battalions were affiliated with various Gorkha Rifles of the Indian Army. While 3 AR mounted major operations to the Burma border, 2 AR provided two platoons to dominate Mcmohan Line at Towang and 1 AR elements did yeoman service in ‘aid to civil authority’ during torrential rains in Aizwal and Manipur. While the Commandant of each Battalion was a British Officer, the Subedar Major’s stature was high and synonymous to ‘Indian Commandant’ and many were awarded titles of ‘Rai Bahadur’, ‘Sardar Bahadur’ and ‘Khan Bahadur’ for their loyalty and unflinching services.


In January 1941, the AR personnel, being from the Northeastern region were specially selected for strategic trans-border reconnaissance along Indo-Burma border and their inputs on terrain helped substantially in later operational duties of border patrolling, internal security and training. 1 AR introduced jungle training of so very high order that the affiliated 2/2 GR sent NCOs to undergo this training capsule. With the Japanese offensives looming onto India via Burma, 5 AR was raised to act as Training Battalion and  large numbers of AR volunteers were sent to their affiliated battalions in the Gorkha Brigade while 500 AR other ranks (ORs) were transferred in the newly raised Assam Regiment.


4 AR actively enhanced ‘Passive Air Defence’ and construction of field fortifications against the impending Japanese attacks in Manipur and established ‘Reception Centre’ at Tamu for large influx of refugees. The 3 AR was coopted in movement control of refugees to Dimapur via Kohima while 2 AR along with other AR elements carried out significant role in long range reconnaissance of difficult jungle tracks in northern Burma. Special ‘V’ or ‘Victor Force’ was raised primarily with AR personnel to operate and fight self-contained in stealth, independent actions behind the Japanese lines for long durations to gather intelligence, sabotage and ambush the Japanese columns and lines of communications. In IV Corps plan to capture Gangaw, platoons of 1 AR under Lushai Brigade played significant role. Similarly, platoons of 3 and 4 AR battalions acted as ‘eyes’ of the IV Corps and played a very significant role in the war efforts.  3 AR under Lt Col GAE Keene and Sub Maj Sardar Bahadur Bal Bahadur Gurung played exemplary role in defence of Kohima with courage and fortitude against heavy odds that would have done credit to any regular troops in any operation and 48 gallantry medals were awarded to Force during the Burma campaign.  It won’t be out of place to commend the role played by Mr (later Sir) Charles Pawey, veteran of WW I with MC and bar, the then Deputy Commissioner of Kohima, in motivating troops of 1 Assam Regiment and 3 AR during Battle of Kohima. By the end of 1943, the Chinese interest in Tibet was apprehended and Assam Rifles posts were established all along the international border (IB) at Karbo, Riga, Pangin, and Pasighat in Siang valley and Walong, Changwinti, Hayuliang and Denning in Lohit valley.


Post-Independence Scenario

Immediately after the significant role played by the AR in the Japanese defeat in WW II, the GHQ desired to convert it into a police force,  officered by the police officers while some suggested its merger with the Assam Regiment. After much discussions, it was decided to separate the force from the police and Col Sidhiman Rai, MC, took over as the first Indian Army Officer as the Inspector General Assam Rifles (IGAR).


Immediately after the independence, like the Pakistani irregulars threats to Kashmir in the west, the East Pakistani irregulars threatened Tripura in the northeast that was well thwarted by the ten platoons drawn from the various AR battalions by IGAR Col Sidhiman Rai, MC and many posts were established in different areas to control tribal unrest but the force was handicapped due to several factors like shortages of officers, transport, obsolete weapons, ammunition, equipment, wireless communication and clothing procured through unreliable civilian firms. Force deployed in remote insurgency prone areas and mountains, were dependent on unreliable air dropping /maintenance. Also, disparity in pay and rations of the AR with the army was unjustified and both though not to army scales, were revised and families’ welfare activities commenced. 


Since Northeast lies in high seismic zone, the great 1950 Assam earthquake caused widespread devastation throughout the frontal regions of Northeast Himalayas. The ground cracked and fissured, bridges, rail lines were destroyed and all rivers beds were silted blocked by landslips causing drastic flooding and destruction of infrastructure, roads, railways buildings and human lives and property. Though, the AR units spread all over Assam were under heavy brunt of destruction of buildings, troops living barracks, family quarters, providing massive help and its signal communication contributed immensely in the relief measures.. Many newspapers reported on the heroic efforts made by the Assam Rifles in the relief and rehabilitation works with full dedication and service to nation. As a result of their immense efforts, the Assam Rifles, Assam Chief Minister and Governor instituted the award of ‘Commendation Cards’ and presented them to large numbers of force personnel. He also gifted a trophy each to 2 and 5 AR Battalions appreciating their self-services in distress.


Since, Tripura princely state had merged with Indian Union, the state force unit Tripura Rifles was disbanded and merged with the newly raised 6 AR with many platoons joining from the other AR battalions. Many changes were brought in the force by authorizing better weapons, Transport Platoons and signal equipment. The newly raised 6 AR was baptized establishing 11 field camps all over Tripura employing 2 Officers and 450 men for nearly 8 months and in 20 encounters capturing large numbers of weapons and anti-national elements (ANEs).


In 1954-55, first signs of insurgency appeared in Tuensang which earlier was part of NEFA that spread to other places and Lt Gen RK Kochar was appointed GOC Assam as unified command to control insurgents growing stronger by using weapons issued during the Burma campaign for villages protection and making ample use of the arms and ammunition dumps left behind by fleeing Japanese in jungles. There were ample supplies across from the borders of Burma, East Pakistan and China too. With Phizo intensifying sovereignty, hostile Nagas established ‘Naga Federal Government’ and hoisted Naga flag in Phensiyu village in Rengma adopting own constitution and duplicated the official administration. There were several incidents of raids, ambushes and attacks by the hostiles on the Army and the AR and two newly raised AR battalions at Dehradun and Meerut were rushed as reinforcements while for raising more battalions 600 recruits were being raised at the Assam Rifles Training Centre (ARTC) then functioning at Missamari and the Signal Wing to train signal recruits and Boys Wing in Shillong merged with the newly raised ARTC. Many gallant actions were fought, killing large numbers of hostiles and capturing huge quantities of arms, ammunition, explosives and prisoners. In one operation in April 1961, Sub Major Kharka Bahadur Limbu decorated with MC (8 AR) in Burma campaign, with a few riflemen stormed through a bunker in well defended hostile camp, killing and wounding many hostiles before succumbing to grave injuries and was awarded country’s highest peacetime award Ashok Chakra. By the end of 1961 both SFs and insurgents had 200 personnel each killed and 400 each wounded.


The existing inequity in the pay and allowances and rations between the AR and the Army personnel was removed, Signal Platoon was authorized in each Battalion and equipment issue from Army Ordnance Depots not only increased the combat effectiveness but also raised the morale of the force.


With inter and intra state rivalries, low key insurgency continued in northeast. While many NSCN elements continue to demand greater Nagaland while some miniscule elements still harp for independence. The Government of India has made it amply clear that demand of independence and adjustment of boundary with other states/Myanmar is NOT acceptable. Now near normalcy is prevailing in the state and a coalition government is functioning.  The NSCN (IM) and other factions must shun violence and Greater Nagaland demand and join the mainstream for rapid economic and industrial development, investment in the state and progress of the people and the region neglected due to long prevailing insurgency.


With the Chinese not recognising the Mcmahon Line and claim NEFA (now Arunachal Pradesh) some parts of Brahmaputra valley and Bhutan as the Chinese territory, the Government of India’ concern was to ensure firmly its administration extended up to the IB and established new AR posts all along the watershed mostly in snow bound high altitude, without roads and tracks and even with paucity of digging equipment, field fortifications and winter clothing. The Force accepted the new challenges cheerfully. With revolt in Tibet over the Chinese excesses, much to the annoyance of China, many refugees including the Dalai Lama poured through these posts to India for shelter on humanitarian grounds while the Chinese in retaliation started intimidating our posts in disputed territories that were placed subsequently under 4 Infantry Division, which was moved for operational control of the area under the new ‘Forward Policy’ and 2, 5, 7, 9, and 11 AR Battalions were deployed along with the Army at forward posts and newly raised 17 AR  was deployed in Sikkim. To ward of the Chinese encroachment in Dichu valley, where they were inciting locals to establish ‘Kachin Peoples’ Democratic Republic’ in north Burma, 17AR established a post named Vijaynagar after herculean efforts of Maj Sumer Singh and Maj Gen AS Guraya, the IGAR.


All AR posts were deployed on wide forefront, self-contained, mostly on inaccessible heights, with no MMGs and Mortars fire, far apart with no mutual support or artillery fire and depended on erratic weather and meagre air maintenance. There were no defence stores, enough digging tools, woolen clothing and behind these AR posts, the Army deployed its troops at Towang, Bomdila, Daporijo and Walong. The AR was allotted 34 new posts moblised from battalions located in NEFA. Over long distances and vagaries of weather wireless communication suffered frequent breakdowns. Yet, with all the handicaps, the Force went about cheerfully accomplishing its enormous tasks against heavy odds. On 20 Oct 1962, China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) invaded India in Ladakh and across the McMahon Line in NEFA in Kameng, Central and Walong Sectors. The Chinese attacked with superior forces and the AR faced the brunt of first onslaughts along all the invasion routes.


In Mizoram, on 1 Mar 1966, the Mizo National Front (MNF) led by its firebrand leader Laldenga declared independence and the MNF’s armed wing Mizo National Army (MNA) launched secretly series of simultaneous well-coordinated attacks on the posts of the 1 AR and 5 BSF Battalions and the local police posts in Mizoram and resorted to burning, looting and snapping communication with outside world. The government retaliated and recaptured all the places seized by the MNF by 25 Mar 1966 while the IAF in its only instance carried out an airstrike on its own territory. To bring normalcy, the counter insurgency operations lasted over two decades and I with my Battalion 13 Kumaon served nearly 4 years in Mizoram carrying relentless long range patrolling, killing and capturing many insurgents and weapons and in one such operation, Zaithanmowia the self-styled commissioner of the Dampa (Western) Area was successfully killed by the column led by Major (later Brigadier) RV Jatar. I dare say, while the insurgents feared Kumaonis, the locals respected and admired our troops for civic actions, fair play and respecting their women, culture and social values. Many a times, AR sub units were grouped with our columns and provided our columns logistics support from their quasi-permanent posts deployed to prevent infiltration and ex-filtration of hostiles in bordering countries of Burma and East Pakistan.


The over-all conduct of the AR troops and their abilities to operate in thick forested mountainous terrain in the CI operations was second to none and our morale and abilities to operate in hostile infested jungles got boosted being assured of fool-proof navigation and survival in difficult terrain. The Assam Rifles also played commendable role in regrouping and shifting of the villages so very essential for security, safety and civic actions of the locals and operational and logistic needs, reinforcements and evacuation of casualties of the Army’s columns by helicopters from their posts.  If Mizoram is free from insurgency and developing very fast in the Northeastern region, lots of credit goes to the Army and the AR troops deployed in the relentless CI operations.


Some Random Thoughts

After completion of my command, I was posted to ARTC Dimapur as it’s Second in Command (2IC) from Jun 1986 to Jun 1990. I was deeply involved in administration, welfare and training of large numbers of recruits, conducting courses for AR personnel selected for Assistant Commandants and development of future location of the ARTC in Sukhovi foothills which was functioning from 3 locations- Diphu (Karbialong, Assam) Dimapur and Sukhovi (Nagaland) spread over 50-60 km apart making command and control that much difficult. I served 4 years (Jun 1986-Jun 1990) under two DIGs ARTC and four DGARs. I, on my arrival in ARTC also for the first time felt that recruitment had become broad based and even South Indians/Malyalis were being recruited in the force.  I feel the earlier ethos of recruiting 60% Gorkhas and 40 % Northeastern tribals should be ensured. With a Gorkha or a tribal with a khukri that serves multiple purposes melee weapon and regular cutting tool is characteristic weapon of the Gorkha soldiers. If one was ever stranded alone in a jungle, with a Gorkha Johnny having a Khukri, one was sure to survive as with his khukri Gorkha will protect you from enemy, prepare a shelter by chopping bamboos and wood, dig bamboo shoots other wild fruits/vegetation, kill birds/animals for survival and food and clear shrubs and under growth for making tracks. Their cross-country navigation in mountains and hills is superb. No other soldier has this overbearing superiority that acts as ‘force multiplier’ and combat effectiveness. Let only the Gorkhas, Northeastern tribals, Kumaonis, Garhwalis and Himachalis be recruited in the force as combat elements. Rest can join in the administrative/non-combat jobs.  


There are several Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) who like to club themselves as para military forces (PMFs). The CAPFs have some cadre officers but commanded by the IPS officers but Assam Rifles is the only PMF in the country officered and commanded primarily by the Army Officers on deputation with some cadre officers on administrative jobs. There were rumours in social media and some newspapers about the proposal to merge the ITBP and the Assam Rifles as one force. I feel any such move would devoid army of the option of using the Assam Rifles in impending CI as well as conventional operations adversely affecting its good coordination in joint operations with this elite force. 22 and 23 AR Battalions operated admirably in Sri Lanka and did exceedingly well even to envy of regular infantry battalions. Four Battalions deployed in J&K operations have earned many laurels. Any such move will ruin such a splendid force employed in police roles. At best the BSF, the SSB and the ITBP all being CPOs could be merged but not the Assam Rifles and it for considerations to place the ITBP posts deployed along the Chinese border placed under operational control of the Army.


One feels proud that nearly in the last decade, AR has killed over 121 insurgents while 5460 of them apprehended and 632 surrendered. It has recovered 5087 weapons and 1.75,873 rounds of ammunition and contraband worth Rs7055 crores and won numerous gallantry awards. With growing operational needs, there are 46 AR battalions, 12 Sector headquarters (erstwhile DIG Ranges under a Brigadier each) and three Inspector Generals of Assam Rifles (IGARs under a Maj Gen each) located as in Kohima, Imphal and in Silchar each having numbers of Sector HQs under each with DGAR and ARTC hitherto in Shillong and Dimapur respectively. Also, the erstwhile policy of Battalions located at fixed static stations has been changed and being rotated between peace and field deployment so that families can stay together. For this arrangement, six new raisings and KLPs for turn-over are planned. Incidentally, the Assam Rifles Public School, Shillong has acquired good reputation and providing quality education and is much sought after.


Human Rights Violation

In the NE often there are often wide spread protests against the SFs and to repeal the Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA) enacted in 1958 by the Central Government authorising SFs to shoot any suspected individual without formal orders from any superior civilian authority in good faith.

While the human rights activists oppose AFPSA, exaggerating the SFs excess, they need to convince the insurgents to shun insurgency and join the main stream. Once there is normalcy and peace returns in a geographical area, the AFPSA is completely withdrawn as was done in Meghalaya in 2018, Tripura in 2015 and Mizoram in the 1980. Time and again, there are media reports on human rights violations by the SFs and Assam Rifles in the Northeast and, human rights activists and lawyers have been relentlessly advocating removal of the AFPSA It has more perceptional problem than the legal ones. Incidentally, while the Assam Rifles is often accused of human rights violations in the Northeast, its team lifted the running trophy as the best team of the NHRC debate competition for the CPOs!

While often local police probably are involved in severe high handed in public dealings the the SFs deployed in the counter insurgency operations are blamed by human rights activists, print and electronic media, bureaucrats and politicians working, far away from remote insurgency infested areas, in air conditioned offices, blowing events out of proportion, not realizing how can a soldiers fight in a disturbed area against armed insurgents with their hands tied behind their backs! If the area is NOT disturbed, the police and CPOs should tackle insurgency as law and order issue and the Army and the Assam Rifles withdrawn and police should handle the law and order situation.  We need to keep reviewing certain provisions of the law to match prevailing realities. The SFs must not protect the wrong doings, excesses or false encounters protecting human rights, notwithstanding soldiers perform the onerous tasks of national security compromising their personal safety and security and human rights violations by the ruthless armed militants/insurgents/terrorists often armed, funded and supported by our hostile neighbouring country.


Recently, the Chief Ministers of Assam and Meghalaya signed an agreement to resolve 50 years old border dispute and the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) lifted AFPSA from certain areas of Assam, Manipur and Nagaland reducing the disturbed areas. Similarly, MHA is persuasive and pro-active with other states to resolve all their disputes amicably fast on the Assam- Meghalaya model, realizing the strategic and economic potentials of these states by laying emphasis on the industrial and the economic development, jobs creations and preserving tribal culture as part of national integration. Normalcy and economic development  in the region will motivate insurgents to surrender, and gradually keep lifting the much disliked AFPSA from the region and play decisive role in country’s ‘Look East Policy’.


Concluding Remarks

While Manipur is on the boil- more for the political reasons, the Assam Rifles is playing very significant role in maintenance of law and order, flag marches in the affected areas, sheltering civilians who are victim of the ethnic violence and collateral damages, rescuing stranded populace, providing medical aid and coordinating with state government, police other CPOs and the army. Northeast is destined to play greater role in national security, tourism, tea, trade, tourism and sports. Manipur is home to many medal-winning athletes bringing international glory to our country. India played the first-ever Football World Cup in the under 17 World Cup with 8 players from Manipur and 1 from Mizoram. In 1999, Manipur held the National games and managed to produce many quality players. Sports and sportsmanship by itself are the biggest national integration factor to wean the region of from insurgency. The Assam Rifles and the Assam Rifles Public School can play major role in enrolling such potentials in the Force. Apart from excelling in border guarding, CI Operations in the Northeast, the Assam Rifles also contributed to the International Peace & Harmony by dispatching a company size Contingent on Peace Keeping Operations (PKO) in Haiti from 2010 to 2019. Proudly, the Force has deployed four battalions in J&K and created one NDRF Battalion too to meet emergent situations in the region while its’ all women contingent in the Republic Day Parade was accoladed maximum applause. The Force hopefully is training for the future wars where drones, UAVs, IT), space, cyber war and nuclear technologies would play decisive roles in war and peace. 

26 AR raised by Col SK Sachdeva in 1986 was inducted in Srilanka in 1988. This young Battalion's, incredible performance let MoD deploy 22 & 23 AR Battalions in Srilanka. Later, 26 and 7 AR Battalions were in 1989 were inducted in Kashmir Valley winning COAS Unit Citation. Incidently, with its operational reputation 26 AR again is one of the four AR Bns deployed in the valley.

Last but not the least, post independent, being awarded with 4 Ashok Chakras, 33 Kiriti Chakras, 5 Vir Chakras, 47 Shaurya Chakras and 400 Sena Medals besides other awards and decoration is not a mean achievement for any Force. The Force has from ‘Sentinels of the Northeast’ with huge sacrifices and gallantry awards has acquired national stature like any of our distinguished infantry regiments now under the able stewardship of Lt Gen Vikas Lakhera, AVSM, SM. it’s time to SALUTE the Assam Rifles Brave hearts and pay homage to those who scarified their lives for the country’s safety, security and integrity along with their families and ‘Veer Naris’ who without say serve the nation silently.

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