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NDA Debate  : Review Of Role & Relevance Of  Academics Faculty

Updated: Apr 21




An objective debate was triggered by a recent article by Nixon Fernando titled ' Why training at NDA needs to be reviewed and rectified ?' This  article can be read on link below :


The responses received for this article were led by Dr Syed Ehsan Ali, one of the oldest professors and counselor from NDA who spent 4 decades in NDA! His response triggered further focused debate on the academic faculty and also what the veterans honestly   felt about the issues highlighted in the article and mainly concerned academics part of training in NDA.

The responses that have been reproduced below collectively reveal the crux of the problems, related issues and also  the way out and forward to resolve these vital  issues that have been  adversely impacting the quality of academics for decades!


MVI earnestly  hopes that all our relentless efforts till date  do not go in vain and concerned serving hierarchy do take serious note and act positively to address the issues the best way possible .


Col Vinay Dalvi

Editor ,MVI


 Dr Syed Ehsan Ali

(Ex HoD F/ Langs, NDA)


Kudos to Mr Nixon Fernando for shortlisting the crux of the issues in his amplification of  10 points of  Col Vinay Dalvi for review of NDA training ,which  has been long overdue !


Having spent almost four (4) decades as a Civilian Academic Instructor at NDA, I differ with the opinion expressed in point no. 2. Sqn level orders were never given precedence over the Sudan block Comd orders - at least during my tenure- between 1964 and 2001. Defaulters shall always exist, but no one ventured to openly flout the NDA central orders.

As regards point no 8 ,the  Academic part of the training has all along been given 65-70 % weightage of time vis-a-vis Out Door Training (ODT) .


 I remember vividly that at least 4/5 periods out of daily 7 were devoted to only Academics.


The first 2-3 pre breakfast periods  were mostly slotted for ODT.


Evening time ranging from 1830h - 2030h  were meant to be utilised as Study time by all cadets during weekdays. 


Every Sqn had one nominated Cadet Counselor attached to it. This counselor was required to visit the Sqn to speak to cadets weak in academics or any other trg activity and coordinate extra coaching/ trg. He was also required to ensure that the cadets were at their table during this study time. The cabin doors were to be kept open.

This kind of dedication/ involvement from the civilian instructors was possible only because he was considered as an un-uniformed part of the trg team. His decisions/ suggestions were given due importance.


There was a time when civilian academic officers were nominated as OiCs of almost all majors games such as Hockey, Cricket and Swimming. The same was the case with the  Club activities.


Gradually, things kept changing. Some for the better and some definitely not for good of the academy.


Initially, cadets joined NDA after Std XI. Subsequently, and only to satisfy UGC /JNU for the grant of a graduation degree, this entry level was raised to Std XII. This definitely has affected the quality of intake of trainees. 

In fact , NDA and the armed forces authorities should not have accepted this proposal only for the sake of a JNU degree.


The training at this academy prepares cadets for the role of a military leader. This cannot be compared with that of a college/ university whose sole role is to churn out graduates. The authorities that be, should, at that time, have proposed to get NDA recognised as a NDU (National Defence University) with their separate levels of intake and training curriculum. This way we would have continued to get younger and brighter lot (XI std pass).


The role of Civilian academic Offrs too had its downward trend. These civilian officers who till sometime back, were considered as important as any and equal part of the same team and organisation, are now seen as a different entity to be kept at bay. Many factors, including things like allotment of accommodation, etc, led to discrimination and their subsequent loss of involvement. Then, the emoluments and promotional avenues of the Civilian Academic staff which used to be superior to their counterparts in the universities earlier, gradually became inferior after implementation of UGC scales in universities There were no DPCs held for NDA academic staff for more than 15 years and no fresh regular appointments, too. This led to introduction of ad-hoc appointments of lecturers who were neither interested in staying on NDA campus nor even insisted upon by the authorities. Hardly 2-3 adhoc lecturers  were regularised by the UPSC. These factors adversely affected the total involvement of the Civilian Offrs in the academy.



Gp Capt AG Bewoor


1. This under the surface discrimination felt by civilian teachers is an unrecognised fact. A lecturer is equated with a capt or a major? Something like that. Readers were higher and HODs even further up. I don't know what is the place of the Principal, That he stands with the reviewing offr on the Quarter Deck shows his posn, but is he equal to a Brig / Maj Gen or Colonel. This equating a teacher of 20 yrs with a Flt Lt  / Sqn Ldr of 8 to 10 yrs is patently unacceptable. Such equations and comparisons are odious and create avoidable unhappiness. It translates into parking slots, where one will sit for combined dinner nights, where you will stand to meet VVIPs / foreign dignitaries. where you and family will get seats at POPs, in the Habibulla Hall, what type of houses they get and so on.


2. These are Gurus, masters in their subjects / specialisations, what they teach cannot be substituted by any military offr. Their role is different and the presence of non-military teaching staff is inescapable in any military trg academy / college. We need such people without boots, ribbons, laneyards, rank badges, severe haircuts, who speak in a different style and conduct trg that is far removed from stiff military demeanour.  


3. More important, is the salaries they get. I wrote earlier too, you cannot fight against UPSC/UGC in these matters. If UGC salaries after 25 yrs service is shameful and equal to that of a Major with 11 yrs service, it is not the fault of the Fauj. But the hierarchy inside NDA can be suitably adjusted to give the honour and respect to teachers of 25 yrs service. We have to shed our military egos and give willing respect to these Gurus. They will teach 30 courses, many cadets will return to the Staff of NDA, while they are still teaching. It is we, their 'chelas' and 'shishyas' who must ensure that they get the honour that is given to a Teacher. This lacuna is the fly in the ointment as I see it. These professors hold B Ed / M Ed degrees in addition to their basic degrees. Only the Flying Instrs at FIS are put through Methods of Instruction Capsules at Tambaram when attending the Flg Instr Course. No other military officer is taught this capsule before becoming an Assessing Officer at any academy.


4. Let us not make too severe an indictment about NDA because we can do it. There are ditches, many ignored because it is convenient to ignore them and those ditches do not slow the military officer's career.  The remedy, in my opinion, lies within the NDA. A 3 star officer with many competent officers under him, can resolve this. It is an exercise to be done by NDA within NDA for NDA teaching staff. UGC/UPSC will do nothing. But since this unhappiness adversely impacts our cadets, it is the duty of the military leadership to remedy the inconsistencies.


 Maj Gen Raj Mehta


This platform allows officers to express opinions that could be reinforcing or different, the entry point being strict maintenance of service protocol and decency.


I am an SS officer awarded PC. I was among the first few non ex NDAs to be posted as a Div O.


A year later, after completing 11 years of service, I became a squaddie in a different Battalion spending  two years as squaddie.


 Three years as an instructor at NDA is rare.


I took time to settle down. The cadets took longer to settle down to a non ex NDA. My peers took time, too, my other Services counterparts being far younger with me, mind you. being older.


 I took time to realise that years of service and uniform colours do not define competence. I learnt soon enough and retain that learning since 1981- that's 43 years now !


I had to be everywhere because all was new and it was quiet learning. Being a Masters, done privately after joining OTA as an undergraduate.


 I attended drill, games,  classes, vibed with lecturers, professors,  ATT,NTT, AFTT, HODs, and  Principal. Most  academics were high grade,most wore their NDA tenure with pride. They attended  squadron study periods...counselled...informed Div Os about who needed help. Some played games with Cadets.


Never heard anyone of them say they needed rank equivalence...not at all ! The system gave them administrative perks at par with their academic seniorities, and the Dome ensured balance as did Commandant downwards.


Their worries were academic. Most cadets slept in classes due to enormous unscheduled fatigue due to squadron loyalties and ragda for which most instructors turned a Nelsons Eye.


I did not but found non obtrusive ways of ensuring we did well minus legacy ragda followership. I could follow up as I attended most classes...


The teachers knew. The cadets did. I did my job. I did no favours.


My last point. Then, as now the NDA academic support system in posting academic instructors as per entitlement was woeful...there was 40 percent shortage...a shame really which NDA suffered.


 The assistance of hiring adhoc academic staff was to happen later with all its challenges, including an unfair deal for such staff in pay...perks...absorbtion.


Years later the UPSC remains as lax as grim shortages continue...besides poor salaries.


Commandants do all they can, but UPSC listens not even to the COSC and IDS...I do not think they listen to the Dept of Military either ?



Cdr Ravindra Pathak


I am also sorry to observe that at one stage, the entitled accommodation of lectures' was downgraded too and bungalows became exclusively marked for uniformed officers.


When I was a  squaddi,  I also saw visiting civilian lectures whose interactions with cadets were zero.


To top it off, I saw some Reservation category who had academic qualifications but their dress sense and general behaviour left a lot to be desired as role models to cadets. On one instance I had to tick off a guy in chappals standing at the classroom door with paan in his mouth and one leg lifted and resting on the door.



Col Pk Royal Mehrishi


I can't help recalling  greats like :


Prof Bhandari

Prof Bhatnagar

Prof Kuldip Singh

Prof Prem Singh

Prof Dotiwala

Prof Kesvani


Some Oxford blue in swimming, some exceptional hockey players, some great at tennis, etc.


Truly inspirational, with impeccable dress sense, thorough knowledge  of their subject, and  dignified conduct.



One was so good at his subject ( Prof Rajan ) that he would update the Area Studies class with the latest BBC  News  of 0630 h ( of that day )  concerning his subject.



 Gp Capt AG Bewoor


The illness lies in UPSC and UGC for the type of civilian teachers we get slotted into NDA.  It is this malaise that we should be asking RM to remedy.

In interviews that are shown on TV, there is all bravado, Doklam, Roads & airfields, OROP, infrastructure in Ladhak, the bravest of the brave, not one inch has gone etc.

COSC, IDS, CDS, during Commanders Conference it is this matter that must be placed before the RM / RRM / Def Secy, etc. Only they can discipline UPSC on this issue. Teachers will not willingly come to NDA unless the terms & conditions are attractive. Otherwise they are happy teaching in their home town. This is what I have understood from Gen Mehta's writings. Many ex teachers and retd faujis may have good contacts with regional TV channels or even mainstream ones. This matter needs to be brought onto prime time and beamed into the homes of Indians. Only then will the babus of UPSC / UGC start reacting.


Nixon Fernando


Actually, the fault is not with the UPSC for sure... the process is that an institution like the NDA sends requirements based on their 'need'. This is then processed at the MOD and finally  a requirement is sent to the UPSC, and based on requirements the UPSC selects candidates and 'recommends' them to the Government. It is a matter of convention that the Government has never gone against the recommendation of the UPSC.


Now by this, we can easily see that a lot depends on the institution concerned,the MOD, the engagement templates they use, the vision they have, their sincerity to the cause and so on...


The tragedy is that when I suggested to my faculty seniors that we should give a party on teachers' day... no, no, Guru Poornima... just as army navy and airforce officers celebrate their respective days, my seniors responded with 'we are not teachers, we are officers'.


I thought it was pathetic to say such a thing.


That vision, of the importance of the guru, was not there in the academy, and even those who tried to drive it down from the command level at NDA did not succeed.


NDA, a premier institution should have set the bench marks and other institutions down the line would have revelled in that excellence. But the NDA did not rise to it and flowed with the societal tide where teachers  are not really considered elite (with exceptions of excellent famalies and outstanding family traditions who accord special regard and status to teachers).


So there we are. There was no vision... the requirements were not thought through properly in both quantity and quality. And MOD sometimes wanted to cut corners...


All in all, it was a kind of mess...


we need to start at properly defining what we want to do at NDA and what role the Civilians have in it... then we need to create the conditions where the best of civilian instructors will consider it a privilege to serve at the NDA and apply in droves to come here... the greatness of an institution also depends on the quality of the people who serve there and the motivation with which they do it... sad to say, NDA lost the plot somewhere...


But it is not to blame... when the Indian society rises to greatness... when it learns to give due regard to its Achariyas and Gurus... when these Achariyas and Gurus rise to excellence and inspiration themselves,  then NDA too will arrive...


But be that as it may, I have been fortunate to see some of my colleagues rise to that inspiration from time to time... and many have been cadets who have learnt under ordinary instructors and have inspired their teachers to deliver big... Ekalavya style...


NDA is an opportunity for the nation... a potential tower of light to average institutions. An inspiring vision is the need of the day...


Gp Capt AG Bewoor


1. Yes indeed ! Prof Fernando is on the pulse. Who makes the QR for civilian teachers at NDA? Principal along with faujis I am sure. We faujis have no idea on how to draft QRs for a geography teacher. Not our fault, we have not been taught how to create this QR. Surely the wording in the QR must be guiding UPSC. So first of all, this demand note as it may be called has to be drafted as perfectly as possible by those who know what to ask for.


2. The second is the reputation and environment data about NDA that floats around the academic community of India. What does a potential teacher and his family know about NDA, Pune, Cadets, facilities, advantages, problems, incentives and so on. NDA should create some kind of brochure or video for viewing by the potential candidate and make it freely available on social media. Just like recruitment videos are released for Armed Forces, both offrs & men. The media gp who did a fine job for our jubilees will make a fantastic piece. There can be no objection from anyone. If it is good enough to do so for the Forces, then all the more that it should be done for the Teachers of tomorrow's officers.


3. The most vexing and delicate issue is the equation between teachers / readers / professors / HODs and the military DS. Under no conditions can the Guru be placed at a disadvantage in protocol among the hierarchy when mixed attendance happens. Admin matters, accn, transportation, contact with cadets, ability of cadets to visit teachers and DS, participation of civilian teachers in sports must be on a level playing field. The wives & children of civilian teaching staff must find equal opportunity that wives & kids of fauji staff get. Each Instr, fauji or civilian has equal privilege to all facilities within NDA. I am writing this because this discrimination may be happening, and if I am wrong, forgive me.


4. Unless the military offrs demand and insist on getting top of the line civilian teachers for NDA; and take care of them with compassion as a Standard Operating procedure, or Standing Orders, and this rule position gets wide publicity by Word of Mouth, the best will not get attracted. It is in the interest of making an as good a potential officer as NDA can, that the armed forces must tilt in this direction. We faujis can do full justice as teachers at say DSSC, CDM, CAW and so on. But at the undergraduate level we have to have the non military Guru.


 Col RS Khandpur ,Ex Director Trg ,NDA


Having been closely involved in interacting with the Academic staff at the NDA , it is my considered opinion that the way to get the right Academic staff is through deputation. Young Lecturers/ Assistant professors from colleges should be encouraged to apply for deputation to the NDA for a period of five years. Needless to say, a good Academic and teaching record, proficiency in at least one or two games/hobbies should be the criteria for initial acceptance of the deputation. Thereafter, the shortlisted candidates should be selected for deputation to the NDA by a committee headed by the Comdt, Dy Comdt, Principal NDA, and the concerned HOD of the subject. The Academic staff so selected may be considered for permanent absorption on completion of their tenure , subject to their having so volunteered and the permanent absorption recommended by at least the HOD, Principal and at least two Comdts and Dy Comdts. To make the deputation attractive, a reasonable deputation allowance should be paid to such academic instructors. This measure, I'm convinced, will succeed in the long run to attract academic instructors of the likes of Prof Bhandari, Prof Dhotiwala, Prof Kuldeep Singh, and the like.


Maj Gen Raj Mehta


The issue of  accountability  at  training  academies ,NDA leading !


The response by Gp Capt Bewoor needs reflection as he is strictly objective and far-sighted.


Let's follow up on his plea for accountability.


When it was created in 1955, the Academic faculty and staff were as per NDA's 100 percent authorization.


 Principal downward, they were rigorously selected.


They were  discreetly monitored by academic and military authority at NDA as much as the cadets were.


Both cadets and those academics became top class because both worked to make excellence routine. They succeeded because the Dome underwrote their excellence through processes that enabled excellence...Thus unedifying ragging and sleeping in class were checked... seriously.


In an officers training academy it is no sin to think of academics as possessing officer like qualities. This is because they joined military staff in teaching such qualities to cadets by dint of personal qualities, deportment, right conduct, sartorial excellence in dressing as well and as appropriately as cadets and military instructors, playing games as hard and as well, being socially correct. This does not make academics officers in the military rank sense... it just makes them and cadets meld better.


Thus,  when some academics rose to iconic eminence they did not claim military equivalence. Instead, the professors remained Professors yet hugely respected...


The accountability plea is simple. Get UGC...UPSC to meet NDA's sanctioned need 100 percent. This is their job... no favour. We forget we have an ex NDA Lt Gen as a UPSC member. He must be contacted pronto.


Get deputation academics by all means, but as visiting Professors...get them from West Point too...Ecole Francais...Japan...why not? They must be above the NDA PE.


The old academic ethic of academics was that in Rome do as Romans wit, be as much a cadet as you can be without compromising on academic excellence...This worked for the earlier eminences...why not for today's academics?


Lastly, cut out ad hoc measures. The cadets aren't ad hoc. Why their academic teachers?


The very last point...If ex NDA's have an unquestioned right to be Instructors at OTA...IMA...why not ex OTA officers?


The QR should be capability over the type of entry. Selection for instructing at training academies must reach beyond MS Branch ACR based selection to include a pre selection Commandants interview for military and academic instructors.


Gp Capt Johnson Chacko,Ex Bn Cdr NDA


What is the role of Academics in honing the skills of a Military Leader?


A good leader is expected to have supe rior skills to grasp the situation that his team is in, ideate a solution and employ it using the skill sets of the team members to turn the situation in favour of the team - what we in military parlance call Victory.


The toughest part of leadership is the first two, and Academics form the foundation for it. A sound Academic faculty is a pre requisite to train leadership.


If we carry out a study as to how many Torch holders have become 3 stars and above, it may corroborate what has been stated.


Academic brilliance has also been a nemesis for some as the IOs feel aberration.


Urgent intervention is needed at the national level to ensure that academies have the right Academic faculty.

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1 Comment

Deepak Sinha
Deepak Sinha
Apr 22

It's wonderful that we are actually witnessing a debate on the NDA, albeit the academic faculty. The truth of the matter is that the NDA may well have been the premier training institution back in the day comparable to the best in the world vis-a-vis facilities, faculty, curriculum and standards. However it has stagnated for decades and today we have private universities here in India with better infrastructure and facilities. It needs vision at the very top and unfortunately that is absent in the top levels of the military or in the MOD.

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