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  • Brig Neil John

Distraught Indian Woman & Solution to End Brutality against Her By Brig Neil John

Updated: Aug 20

The Distraught Woman 


She is a daughter, a sister, a mother, a wife,

What we did to her, is brandished her as an object that took her life,


The clothes that she wore was often blamed, also we didn’t fail to make an issue of her looks, With that as a reason, we brutally raped her, in ways that can’t even be mentioned in the legal books,


She must have wailed, screamed, shouted and cried, bachao koi to bachao with blood running all over her face, While those with vested interests and sinister minds tried to hush up the case,


We are a country of NA-MARDs, if we actually sleep in peace after hearing this shameful fact being played on the tv set, I am sure when you do nothing, you are waiting for one of yours to meet the same fate, I bet,


Can you still be proud of progress when you know everything isn’t well within the core,

Cause it should wake you from your slumber, that young lady badly mangled, the manner, the blood and the gore,


The law will take its course, the legalities we say, will find a way to deliver the punch,

While you and me, go on with life, but our women, they feel the crunch,


If a woman has to be scared, keep looking behind her back, constantly in distress,

Brothers just look at the chaos, that we created, what a bloody mess.


 Solution to End Brutality -


Is there a solution to the dastardly act of rape, molestation, violence and atrocities against women? Yes, there is, but the solution has to be in multiple domains.


The Educational Domain -

 Educate the kids, compulsory moral education in schools concentrating on values, respect, discipline, involvement and acceptance. Participating in discussions, debates and events based on empowerment. 


The Evolving  Curve - 


Involving all kids in schools in social missions, activities nurturing care and instilling social responsibility. Making the child seek advice and support with confidence and without fear.


The Discipline Curve - 


Where there is a clear demarcated process which is fast track to deliver judgment and justice. Any crime of this nature should be punished in a manner that it becomes the biggest deterrent to these criminals or probable monsters. Keeping the police beyond politics. 


The Political Curve - 


Where political parties do not delve in communal politics and leave the law and order to the agencies tasked to do so. Where they do not give statements accusing women of dressing wrongly, or that a woman is meant to be veiled, or the woman’s place is in the house and not hob nobbing with her male counterparts, that a woman is not supposed to travel alone, or go to a bar, or even catch a Uber back home from work. 


The Home Grooming Mode - 


Parents need to take ownership. A proper programme for parents and kids, where together they incorporate a value system. Learn to be community Members and follow social needs. Where a bit as much as a girl is taught the good touch and the bad touch. What is wrong and what is right. It’s important that parents inculcate their child with a sense of responsibility, to be able to stand up to these atrocities and also to communicate without fear of harmed. 


The Print & Digital Domain - 


Exposure and access to gruesome porn like orgies, anime, etc to be curbed and controlled. As a society anything extreme should be a criminal act, either participating, showcasing or even watching. The cyber cells need to launch precise tools. Also putting content that is obnoxious just for the ratings, viewership or followers. Just open your Instagram and YouTube, there are a million reels of all kinds that showcase women as sex objects. 


The Society & Community Responsibility - 


There needs to be a community watch, to identify probable defaulters that are likely to indulge in anti community activities, crime and violence. Habits indicate clearly the probability of a breeding criminal.


The Religious Angle - 


Here lies the greatest impact. A child is likely to follow the religion of his parents. We visit temples, churches and mosques, attend religious classes and sermons. Here we need to preach morality and the concept of what is sin. Also of right and wrong, heaven and hell, the devil and the gods. So that a divine respect is instilled in our youth.


Social Organizations- 


Have to take on the responsibility of advertising the right content. Look at some of our ads and movies, depicting the woman as a sex object. This needs to stop completely. Bollywood produces crap in the form of movies. Please open some festival celebrations in some states of India, there under age women dancing on stage in front of men and boys that are 8 to 10 years, exposing their privates, gyrating to sexually explicit moves and men indulging in pushing, shoving and touching. 


The Psychological Necessity - 


Every school child should be effectively put through a psychometric analysis test. To identify loopholes in his personal and social psyche. Therefore using psychological tools for course correction. Of course this needs to be effectively monitored and supervised. 


There are a lot more solutions, but no single solution can be inclusive or exclusive. We have a social and moral responsibility as citizens. Educate to belong to society as a responsible member and do it to teach and practice, not only to make a living. 


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