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  • Gp Capt TP Srivastava

Crescent vs Cross

"Israel is fighting against a non state actor HAMAS, which is a radicalised and fundamentalist entity. This war is no longer akin to war among nations. It is a war between 'Crescent and Cross'. A controversial and sensitive subject matter " - Opines Gp Capt TP Srivastava

War Against Non-State Actors

The ongoing war between Israel and HAMAS is different from all other wars. It is a war between a formidable military power Israel and a non state actor HAMAS, a terrorist organization. Since the first world war in 1914, all wars till date have been fought/are being fought among nation states. Current attack on Israel is by a terrorist organization born and brought up in the same region/country. There is a need to understand the psyche of such non state actors, which are essentially a group of radicalized fundamentalists, whose primary weapon is terror. Such organizations are borne in impoverished societies where institutional control is either non existent or is weak. Such organizations are built and sustained by proxy powers, which provide them much needed financial support and weapons.

State of Palestine and Palestinians are near perfect example of providing opportunity to such radicalized and fundamentalist groups to form and grow. Record of Palestinians conduct has been abysmal. During 1948 war nearly 10 million Palestinians fled to Jordan, which embraced them and granted them shelter. But less than two decades later they tried to usurp power and their campaign had to be brutally put down by the then Shah of Jordan. Nearly 25- 30000 Palestinians were killed. None of the Arab nations, which received PALESTINIAN REFUGEES are willing to grant them citizenship. Their status remains „Refugee‟. What is even worse is the fact that their generations also carry the „refugee‟ tag.

Even in the present context no neighbouring country viz Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon wants Palestinians in their country. Needless to state that killing of children and „innocent‟ Palestinians in Israeli air and ground operations is a tragedy of inconceivable proportions. Objective analysis will prove beyond doubt that Palestinian adults are not so „innocent‟ that they did not realize the nefarious activities of HAMAS over past 15 years and more. A Hindi Kahavat sums up the present tragedy in Gaza strip succinctly “Gehun ke saath Ghun bhi pista hai”. Palestinians are paying the price of their collusion with HAMAS terrorists.

Tragedy of Palestinians is of their own making. Even after 2005 disaster Palestinians did not understand that their peaceful survival is entirely dependent on their ability to co-exist with Israel. Palestine today exists in two separate pockets of Gaza strip and west bank (seven times larger than Gaza) but are governed by different „political‟ outfits. Is it not a matter of shame and concern that a congregation of barely 20 million people is being governed by different political entities, one of which comprises of radicalized elements.

Non state actors do not necessarily target military establishments. They target innocent civilians. Although Israel has adopted the policy of informing Gaza citizens about the next target system to be engaged by incoming strike but due to extremely high population density innocent civilians become casualty, while HAMAS terrorists are safely residing in underground tunnels.

Gaza Strip and HAMAS

Gaza strip is the most densely populated area in the world. Nearly 3 million people reside in an area 25 miles long and 8 miles wide. HAMAS took over control of Gaza strip since 2006. HAMAS receives huge financial support from Qatar and few more Arab nations. Growth of HAMAS is product of Arab uprising, where religious affiliation/loyalty and tribal background gives birth to such entities with extremist views. Indian and western concepts of freedom of speech, equality of sexes and open society is shunned by such organizations.

Global Reaction; Support for Palestinians and/or Israelis

HAMAS struck Israel in the wee hours of 7th October, 2023 across the entire length of Israel killing hundreds of innocent Israelis. Israel retaliated with vengeance within hours by unleashing air power. HAMAS continues to launch stream of unguided rockets on Israel. More than 10,000 innocents have lost their lives. Gaza has been destroyed beyond recognition due to thousands of bombs dropped by Israel.

Global reaction, particularly in the Western nations has been astounding. In nearly all EU nations and USA, protesters have emerged in large numbers asking Israel to stop the „genocide‟ as they call it. But not many have condemned the dastardly and unprovoked attack by HAMAS. In USA during a presentation to the US Senate by the Secretary of State on the Israel-HAMAS war a woman protester appeared with a placard condemning Israel. While most western governments support Israel but their citizens do not. This is evident by demonstrations against Israel. All these demonstrations have one common denominator. In each case there were sufficiently large numbers of Muslims present, who were baying for the blood of Israel. Hardly any demonstrations have been held in these „white skin‟ nations condemning unwarranted assault by HAMAS on peacefully asleep Israelis.

Religious fundamentalism has become the driving force giving the present brutal conflict based on religion. It can be called a different name; Crescent vs Cross. Irresponsible actions of the citizens of white skin nations by supporting radicalized elements will lead to disaster sooner than later.

During both world wars and even during cold war era, globe was divided in two or more groups on the basis of military alliances viz NATO, Warsaw Pact (now defunct) and various other treaties. Globe has never been divided on the basis of religion. But HAMAS strike on Israel has brought in an entirely new dimension to global divide on the basis of religion. Iranian leader has openly given a clarion call for all muslim nations to unite against Israel and support the terror organization HAMAS thus altering the nature of war from Arab vs Israel to „Crescent vs Cross‟.

A dangerous trend in global politics!

Western nations must accept the entire responsibility for allowing radicalized and fundamentalist elements to grow and attain monstrous status. These nations, without exception, are pseudo practitioners of Human Rights. Even 9/11 has not changed their flawed perspective. Ironical but true; USA experiences fatal shootings of innocents regularly. Such inhuman practice is slowly but surely spreading to EU nations as well. No human rights violation in such shootings. In addition these nations have a soft corner for migrants from Muslim nations. No muslim wants to migrate to any other muslim nation. Why? In order to support the logic that western nations hypocrisy has been and still remains a catalyst towards promoting radicalization, it may not be out of place to mention the Canadian hypocrisy supported by FIVE EYES NATIONS in the case of killing of a Canadian terrorist in Canada. Canadian PM directly blamed Indian agencies. Concerned terrorist was involved in anti national activities in India, who fled to Canada and managed to become Canadian citizen. A terrorist is a terrorist irrespective of where he/she resides/belonged to. Double standards of western nations are directly responsible for growth of radicalization by granting protection to such fundamentalist elements in the name/pretext of human rights.

Fate of Palestinians

Irrespective of the reasons for present conflict, Palestinians must decide to co-exist with Israel. They should realize that they are an unwanted commodity. No nation wants them. Their support to HAMAS has only brought pain and agony. In order to retrieve the situation Palestinians must support Israel in destroying HAMAS. Possibly a laughable option to many. But then there is no other option. Continued animosity among Israelis and Palestinians will only result in more destruction and deaths.

Israel’s Options

Israel finds itself between the devil and deep blue sea. No doubt that Israel is paying a price for its neglect of HUMINT and perceived belief of invincibility. HAMAS attack has unequivocally established that non state actors supported by proxy powers can cause as much, possibly more damage than an adversary nation. Israel is now fighting a war against radicalized and fundamentalist elements. Israel must win this war of ‘Crescent vs Cross’, whatever be the cost.

Indian Options

India has been and continues to be an ardent supporter of „Two Nation Theory‟ proposed by United Nations in 1948. While Israel accepted it and became an independent nation on 14th May, 1948, Arabs (not Palestinians) rejected the proposal and Israel continued to face existential threat. 1967, 1973 wars, Camp David and Abraham Accord are some of concrete events, which brought stability to the region. Steps to improve relations with Saudi Arab is (now was) in the pipeline. But all the hard work of past six decades has been torn to shreds after 7th October attack. Israel is back to pre 1967 status facing existential threat.

Israel has suffered this fate due to prevailing political instability in the country during past few years. Stable Israeli governments led from the front and achieved glorious victories in 1967 and 1973. Successive governments ensured that Israel became a formidable military power.

Indo-Israel relations are on a firm platform of democracy, freedom of speech, peaceful co existence and religious freedom. India does not tolerate radicalization and fundamentalism irrespective of religious beliefs.

India might also have to face a similar situation if we do not remain politically stable. Picture of our political infrastructure is not too encouraging as mentioned by Justice VR Krishna Iyer, former judge, Supreme Court of India in his book (published in 2012) „From the BENCH to the BAR‟ (page 88 refers) on the issue of corruption in high places;

‘”Can one imagine working for the following Company? It has little over 500 employees with following statistics’;

  • 29 have been accused of spouse abuse.

  • 7 have been arrested for fraud.

  • 19 have more than three criminal cases pending against them.

  • 117 have been charged and are being investigated for murder, rape, assault, extortion and robbery.

  • 71 cannot get credit or loans due to bad credit histories.

  • 21 are current defendents on various lawsuits.

  • 84 have been involved in offences and have paid fines.

Can you guess what mighty organization this is? It is the 545 members of Lower House of Parliament of India that works for you and me. The same group cranks out on hundreds upon hundreds of laws designed to keep the rest of us in line………Can we do something about it?”

India has had high degree of political stability during past few decades, last decade in particular. We have achieved noteworthy progress in international arena and other domains. Indian citizens must remember that POLITICAL STABILITY is far more important than military and/or religious power. For that we the citizens have to elect competent and honest law makers. Hopefully our citizens and leadership, present and future, will ensure that we do not face the trauma of „Crescent vs Trishul‟.

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