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Counter Insurgency & Counter Terrorism Operations In J&K : Debate

Updated: Jun 24



CI / CT operations in J&K have tied down the Indian Army, CRPF, and J&K state police forces since 1990. What is the background and genesis of this insurgency that is intricately enmeshed with terrorism and plagued this trouble-torn and disturbed state for decades? What are the options available to Indian security forces led by the Army? How should they address this grave problem to bring some sort of normalcy to the state and pave the way for development to benefit the people of J& K state? A debate on this subject was initiated by MVI at the behest of Lt Gen Harbhajan Singh. Responses received from veterans (who have served in J&K and have rich experience with the complex issues and challenges confronting the security forces ) have thrown considerable light on this subject. These responses collectively give quite a clear picture and insight into the state of affairs that will enable readers to be more knowledgeable and aware of the grim realities on the ground. This would surely facilitate the realistic shaping of their views on the subject and linked issues. 


Editor, MVI  




TRIGGER (By Lt Gen Harbhajan Singh) 


Terrorism sponsored by Pakistan has been going on in J&K since 1990. Rashtriya Rifles (RR) had to be raised post haste and the strength of CRPF and State Armed Police was increased many fold. Lakhs of crores are being spent annually on security and the lives of people in jeopardy.


The intensity of terrorism has been like a synusoidal wave; increasing and decreasing, sometimes in the Valley and at other times  South of Pirpanjal.


ISI and Pak Army are the Puppeteers!!

Sadly, we are reacting and literally running around like a clueless nation, while Pakistan continues to wage a low-intensity and low-cost War.


The terrain and people on either side of Pirpanjal are different.

South of Pirpanjal, the habitation on both sides is more, the hills are lower but covered with trees and undergrowth. In a few places, there are a few villages across the fence.

Some people on the Indian side have relatives on the POK side. 

All this results in some movement across the LOC, even with  trip-wired mines

laid in gaps between the pickets and patrolling areas.


The population is mostly Muslims.


From Rajauri Eastwards, there is a considerable Hindu and Sikh population as well, till Akhnoor.


East of Akhnoor, the area is plain with some low hills and mostly inhabited by Hindus and Sikhs.


Since Apr 2024 there has been a considerable increase in the terrorist attacks South of Pirpanjal and even in Doda Area, about 70 miles inland. Also one in Kathua close to the border, not far from Pathankot.


A number of armed 

and intelligence agencies like the Army, CRPF, and State Armed Police are employed with no single command. Two  Central  Ministries at Delhi and  State governments are dealing, with the NSA chipping in.


This kind of setup is a sure recipe for confusion and disaster! This is exactly, what is happening. 


Terrorism is always a result of misgovernance and political bungling. When  Awam is not happy, terrorism flourishes. 


The mess created by decision-making agencies mentioned above, resulting in innocent citizens being killed and very large forces deployed, soldiers are also losing lives. This has to be tackled urgently (this may be the umpteenth urgent time)!!


However, there is a dire need to take a long-term view. Let not MOH and MOD feel happy and satisfied with the completion of each Amarnath Yatra.


1. Is it too much to expect from MOH and MOD to immediately nominate a single agency for command and control of anti-terrorist intelligence and operations? 

2. Can interagency one-upmanship not be put an end to?

3.  Is it not the duty and within the powers of the top leadership to do so? 


4.  Must the politicians at the state and centre only worry about how many MLAs and MPs each party has and who forms the Govt? 


Our countrymen from Pathankot to Poonch have to live where they have been living, for centuries.


Is it their fault that they were born in that area and they send only 2 or so MPs to the Parliament, hence not so important to the political leadership?


We have to find a permanent solution

to this burning problem, at least for the sake of the people of J&K.


We have endured the misbehavior of Pakistan along the border/ LOC/old CFL for 77 years now.


What should be done for the future?


 Only one way -


Being proactive and not reactive! 

We must keep up the pressure! 


Otherwise, this will continue and consume us.


Tit for Tat in the ratio 1:3 or 4. The figs are just a suggestion.


It means if they kill

1 of ours, we kill 3 or 4  or more. 


We do not use our Air and Armed UAVs unless Tit for Tat policy does not work.


No need to start a war or carry out deep strikes, till a threshold is crossed.


In the area of Kathua-Akhnur, in addition, if any military unit is attacked as in 2016 and near about, line up a troop of tanks or use artillery guns in a direct firing role

and destroy 1 or 2 border posts of the other side.


In case of an attack on an airbase like Pathankot, quick retaliation by the Air Force on PAF base/ radar, etc, is to be worked out by the IAF.


Similar action by the Navy, in case of a terrorist attack from the sea.


 77 years of experience by the units deployed in J&K 

is  Daba ke Rakho!  









To get over the terrorism in J&K, one will have to take proper cases of the Abdullas/Muftis and the likes.


Out-of-the-box thinking will  be a step closer to  solving this problem :




1.  Increase the pain ( we should have a low threshold to tolerate pain )


2.  Give back much more than you get.


3.  Never bury terrorists' dead bodies, spread the news far & wide: we kaafirs burn them. A devout, brainwashed, drug-induced zombie of a terrorist wants to die, waging a jihad to reach 72 hours.  Some even wear a protective metal crotch- guard during suicide attacks ( fidayeen  attacks) 


4.  Reward - Punish villages. Curtail kerosene - sugar - food of villages which harbour terrorists. especially in winter.


5.  Don't give easy access to almond & apple crops across Banihal for sale in Delhi bulk mkts. ( Delay so that their produce rots )


6.  Too much pussy footing, get harsh & real. There are upwards of 4 lakh military/paramilitary & police forces in J & K . Make the state feel their presence.


7.  Too much centralization ( Delhi / Doval / CDS ) controlling even minor cross-border ops. Let Army Cdr NC handle it like his theatre of Ops. Decentralise with broad guidelines.


8.  Agressive attitude is the key . The aim should be to avenge every single casualty within a limited time frame with an ever-increasing spiral of violence.


9.  Dam the Jhelum,  Chenab, Ravi, etc we are an upper riparian state. Create a water shortage across Pakistan.


10.  Ask our friendly covert teams across the border to target only Army Officers of the Pak Army as they come out of their Cantts for shopping, travel, socializing, etc.


11.  Prepare a list &  target the kids of Army Generals of Pak studying in Foreign Univ abroad.


Go all out!!




All this will only work when NC and PDP top leaders are put behind bars in faraway places like Mohd Sheikh Abdulla. The first rouge was jailed for, I think, 7 years?




Ref Col Mehrishi's response 


Ser 1 to 7. A sure recipe for a flare-up to a full-blown, volatile insurgency.




Response to Col Bimal Bhatia 


What have we got after years of pussy footing?


Even Israel was threatened by Hamas that the response would be terrible. They are now fighting them in Built-up Areas & tunnels.


Here we are fighting on our land & place of our own choosing.


Go hell for leather for the harbourers of terrorists. Reward those who co-operate.




See what others have to say.





Response to Col PKR Mehrishi's response .suggestions.



Insurgency or militancy is a local movement usually caused by local disenchantment or discriminatory policies and denial of people's expectations or rights. J&K's problem runs deep and much older though terror began post-independence beginning with JKLF and later Pak-sponsored groups in addition to local HM. Right from the beginning it was an Islamic movement against the Pandits/ Hindus and against the Indian state. ISI also extended its links to Afghanistan and maybe one odd group in other countries too. While internationalising Kashmir diplomatically and politically, ISI also internationalised the terror activities linking it to global jehad and Caliphate. Islam as it is, doesn't believe in nations or boundaries. Thanks to financial, arms, material and motivational support from outside and from internal agencies like the Deobandi school who have been regularly sending motivational Tablighi Jamat groups into J&K, the local motivation and expectations of Azadi were very high. In the 80s and 90s, the locals felt they were very close to achieving independence. One has to interact with the locals to get a feel of their indoctrination and blind faith in the religion and the narratives pushed by the mullahs and their leaders. Just two examples of it. People who have been under arrest and suffered physical injuries to the extent that they can't stand straight but still want to fight for Azadi. People offering their daughters to the terrorists as their contribution to jehad. Please don't forget the huge processions for the cremation of terrorists seen as martyrs and the stone-pelting episodes. What worked even earlier was Winning the Hearts and Minds of people to deny support to the terrorists and strong operations against the terrorists but no collateral damage or civil injuries. Though at times own casualties were high it gradually paid. Op Sadbhavna leading to meeting local aspirations of school restoration, infrastructure, and opportunities for youth helped wean them away from violence while the elders, especially the women were convinced about the futility of picking up arms which restricted their lifespan to 6 months to a year. 

Although the discriminatory policies of the state govt especially because of Art 370 were providing support to divisive tendencies and may be discreetly to the armed struggle also, the removal of Art 370 and the turning of the state into the newly designated status has reduced the hold of the old political parties they are still relevant and enjoy the acceptance of people which can help the center strengthen the state, its economy, and democratic institutions while providing the state benefits of development and prosperity. 

A few misguided elements can be found anywhere on earth and in any state of India too. The current violence is likely to be China-sponsored through ISI to exert pressure on India and force additional deployment of the army in the area so that pressure from Ladakh and from NE LAC can be reduced. Right now most moves of China have been negated by India and we are in a fairly strong position. The US and India seem to be joining hands on raising the Tibet issue also amongst others. POK is also seeking reunification with India though that isn't a priority with India and will happen in due course. China isn't in a very strong position to attack India and even if they attempted it, they are likely to get a bloody nose. 

Coming down heavy on the people of J&K is likely to prove counterproductive. Yes, terrorists have to be dealt with firmly, both natives and those from across the LC but the people should be encouraged to enjoy a better life and join the mainstream to India.






My compliments to Brig Sanjay Sangwan for explaining the genesis of the Kashmir issue and terrorism in an excellent manner. He has also brought out the Islamic angle. 


How I wish I could write as well as Brig Sangwan does.


Of course, it is a political and maladministration issue, as mentioned by me in my post.


The politicians have found the armed forces and armed police a tool to do the firefighting. In the British days also, a large part of the Army was deployed in the NWFP and Tribal areas to subdue the tribals to meet political ends.






Will the innocent citizens OF AZAD BHARAT not live peaceful lives for generations!!


Will Pakistan go unpunished for sponsoring decades of terrorism? IS INDIA SO IMPOTENT?


Our political shenanigans will go from bad to worse. They will not win over the hearts of local Muslims. 


Political and administrative involvement in the area South of Pirpanjal is lacking. THE EMPHASIS IS IN THE VALLEY.


What should the Chiefs get done at Delhi to deter Pakistan from sponsoring terrorism?


May I suggest views on the core issue only? We all know the background.






I have handled militancy and Insurgency from J&K to Punjab to Assam and Nagaland. My main observation is that each region/ Area has its own characteristics. One cannot apply a template of one place to another. I have given out my impressions in my two books i.e. KASHMIR - A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE and THE ULFA INSURGENCY. 


I have condensed my experiences into FIVE THUMB RULES and 10 GOLDEN PRINCIPLES TO TACKLE MILITANCY/ INSURGENCY. They are given out in my book “ The ULFA INSURGENCY”


I list them out here in subsequent paragraphs. 




“Never Be In A Hurry “. One of the cardinal thumb rules for the successful tackling of terrorism and counter-insurgency is: Never to be in a hurry to produce results. Be patient. Beat back pressure for immediate results. If you succumb to it, the counter-insurgency operations would undoubtedly fail. 


The second thumb rule is Diamond cuts diamond. Use Terrorist/ Insurgent tactics and strategy. Plan your operations meticulously, as do the insurgents. 


The third Thumb rule is: No weapon can defeat the resolute human mind. All your guns and Tanks are useless unless you make efforts to tackle the “Regimented Human Mind” ( RHM). To fight RHM   you need to have highly motivated soldiers with “steeled minds”.


The fourth Thumb Rule is: Avoid human vanity of laurels, publicity, and awards. This leads to a change of focus and disorientation of “protracted operations”.


  The fifth Thumb Rule is: You command “human beings” first, soldiers later. Genuine Errors and mistakes would occur. Condone them unless there were gravely serious offenses.




(a) Counter Insurgency and Militancy is more a Battle of WITS THAN WEAPONS. Militancy and terrorism spring up due to the general frustration of the people with the administration. Therefore, there will be local support and sympathy. Your aim must be to ISOLATE MILITANTS/ INSURGENTS from local support. Deny them access to local resources by driving a wedge. 


(b) The use of Intelligence is more rewarding than warplanes and guns. your 50% problem will be resolved if your intelligence system is spruced up. Do not treat everyone as a terrorist/ militant. Lay emphasis on accurate and actionable intelligence. Create 'MOLES' and protect their identity and actions at all costs. Militants don't move with their headbands. It is very important to identify them. MOLES will help you.


 (c) Remember, there are NO QUICK FIX SOLUTIONS. Don't be in a hurry to wind up militancy; it will bounce back as soon as you have claimed to finish it. Do not play the NUMBER GAME to earn appreciation from your bosses.


(d) Carry out TARGET-BASED OPERATIONS and avoid large-scale displays of military strength. define clear-cut targets in terms of MILITANT LEADERS and CADRES in the area. assign these time-bound targets at the lower level. keep shifting priorities and strategies to procure intelligence on the targets. DO NOT CARRY OUT CONVENTIONAL OPERATIONS. BE UNORTHODOX.


(e) Go for the leaders of Militancy/Insurgency--neutralize them---the rank file will automatically disappear. Leaders are the binding material. Disconnect them and remove them, and the problem will be minimized.


(f) If the campaign is going to be protracted, which is normally the case, there is a need to establish a grid of counter-insurgency with sectors and sub-sectors definite areas of responsibilities assigned to troops. 


(g) Decentralise execution to the lowest level but centralise control. The operations must be conducted at section/ platoon and company levels.


(h) Total coordination with civil administration. Encourage and give credit to police for all operations. The very first sign of Insurgents gaining legitimacy is the ineffectiveness of civil administration and the parallel authority that is created by the perpetrators of violence. The first act is to make civil administrations stand on their feet.


(i)  The nature of militancy and its intensity will vary from region to region and people to people. Its gravity will be dictated by the physical characteristics of the people along with economic development, type of geography, and the climate of the region. It is, therefore, very important for the troops to understand   local323 culture and customs of the people to get to know its gravity. 


(j)  Media management and denying publicity to insurgents/terrorists which is the oxygen for the survival of insurgency and terrorism. If publicity is denied, Terrorism will undoubtedly die. It flourishes because projects its perpetrators larger than life images.




Having read the comments above, I  must admit the authors have been quite focused and clear, issues brought out are bang on. My two-penny  bit on this is  as follows:-


1. In a democracy the Security Forces are subservient to the elected Govt. Therefore, have little choice but to act within the laid down parameters. 


 2. The role of the Security Forces continues to be that of creating an environment where the Civil Administration can function and confidence is restored in the  Civil Administration.  


3. That the Armed Forces have successfully done this repeatedly can not be questioned.


 4. Have the Political leadership availed the opportunity to normalise the environment? No, they have failed in every sphere. Has the advice of our political masters been professional and clear? 

I can not comment as I have not been privy to the inner dealings.


5. Has the political dispensation both at the State and Center annunciated a clear strategy and dealt with the terrorist with a firm hand or merely kept the pot boiling for personal/political reasons? Take the Mufties and  Abdullahs, for example, and has the center too used this for political advantage? Pakistan bashing? 


  6. It appears to me that no one, including the Army ( working under constraints ) been sincere. The Civil Administration, Politicians, and Contractors have all played for money and Security forces for glory. 


7 . Insurgency and terrorism need to be addressed with key objectives as the main focus with the entire gamut of stakeholders pitching in. Policy, Strategy, Tactics, and  Synergy.


8. Dealing with Pakistan, we often equate actions by Israel and wish that we could also strike back at will in response to acts of terror! But as a Nation, we lack the moral strength as well as the ability to do so for various reasons. 


9. Terrorism will continue for years, and the recent spurt of attacks is only a reflection of the fact that the political dispensation has no clue as to how to go about things. Creating trouble in POK once again is a political ploy and may just add fuel to the fire in the North.  


10. The seriousness of our government in dealing with security issues can be well understood by the petty acts of running down the Army rather than supporting them. Cases in Courts, registering of FIRs, Removing AFSPA, Agniveer! Many other issues can be discussed.





Excellent 10 practical and time-tested rules by Col Kushwaha. Fighting terrorists is like 'Shikar' -  wait and watch, attract the animal, and then kill.




Each country has its compulsions, which drive policy. In Israel's case, it is survival. We may judge them by how things developed on the 7th and the Gaza Offensive. Don't forget that they have survived over 70 years in a hostile environment and made peace with most Islamic Countries around! Fighting a collective lot of enemies as they have been/are requires spine, courage, and economic as well as military strength. Compare this to India's one-off Airstrike and raid in response to Uri and Pulwama. No comparison and no justification for criticism of the Israeli policies!






1. Militancy was converted into terror three decades ago and got intricately enmeshed with the global game. It is not a stand-alone or a local movement and can't be solved by local action. Any harsh actions will only delineate the local people and prove counterproductive. We are aware of its political linkages both domestically and across LC and LAC. Seeing it only in kinetic and local terms would be a narrow misleading view. Like other actions of the conflict spectrum, it is a tap that can be switched on or off at the convenience of the controllers. Religious indoctrination too plays a part here. While dominance is necessary to provide security to locals focussing on local solutions may be misleading. Besides, it would be playing into the adversary's plan.   Both China and Pak are weakening states as of now and once the macro issues get resolved in the great game, this will subside on its own.

2. Any comparison with the Israel situation and approach may not be fair, though a similarity exists in that both were creation by the victors of WW2 and with a long-term view of instability and intervention. Israel's survival was at stake surrounded by hostile bigger countries and they were more like a cornered entity. They have been perpetually at war. India on the other hand has a much larger area, people, diversity, and huge sized (so-called) minority which can't be forced into submission and has repercussions in other areas. Besides, Israel's situation has been played up by the US at its convenience. We have done well in controlling terror and will control it again in due course.



WAY AHEAD (Lt Gen Harbhajan Singh)

Everyone knows the genesis of the terrorism and its background. We need to discuss how to deter Pakistan from carrying on with this.


Also, need for single-point operational planning and control. Presently there are too many agencies, and ministries involved.


Inter-agency rivalries, turfs, ranks, etc., be stamped out.  Either MoH or MoD should deal with it.


Why should the army deal with it at all?  

It is meant for defending the borders.

Let RR with ITBP and CRPF deal with it. 

Army should be pulled out from RR.


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