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  • Col Rajinder Kushwaha

Changing Face Of War : War By Machine Soldiers ; Bye Bye Frontline Soldiering !


“Today possessing ironclad defence interception system is as important as a cache of offensive weaponry. “ - Anand Mahindra, Indian Businessman on “ X” praising Israeli Missile Defence System

Iran launched over 200 drones and dozens of missiles from its territory toward Israel, according to the Israeli military. This is the “Swarm”  tactics which would ensure that a high percentage of missiles could penetrate the “Iron Dome” missile defence, so as to cause unacceptable damage to the enemy’s war making potential But Israel claims that 99% of these missiles/ drones were destroyed before they could kiss Israel territory.  However, it does demonstrate  Iran’s long-range drones kill capability.  


Interestingly, other than much hyped “ Iron Dome”, Israel has another more effective and accurate missile defence system called  “ARROW”, which seeks and destroys incoming missiles . It has been developed in collaboration with the USA. Israel also has a longer distance interception system called “ David’s Sling”..  Another system being developed by Israel is “Iron Beam”, probably a “Laser Killer”, which would intercept incoming armament much outside Israeli territory. However, it might not be still operative due to high cost of development. All the same, Israel’s claim of 99% destruction of hostile projectiles speak highly of Missile Defence System of Israel .There is no evidence of any major damage in Israel, nor has Iran claimed any significant hits , other than claiming a moral ascendency of taking revenge .  


It is estimated by Israel's military that more than 300 projectiles (both missiles and drones)  were launched by Iran.  As Iran has been constantly threatening revenge for considerable time after Israel’s Iranian Consulate  strike in Damascus in March 2024,  Israel’s air defence was very active .

There is a lesson here from a Bollywood movie to say, “ If you want to shoot, then shoot, don’t talk”.  The “revenge - noise ” by Iran only gave adequate time to Israel to be ready . Thus, its missile defence system continually monitored  the incoming missiles/ projectiles to intercept and destroy them . However, Iran promises to carry out another ferocious attack. But the success of such strikes are subject to the degree of surprise achieved, as was done in Hamas attack on 07 October 2023.


One should note that alert missile defence systems can minimise losses of such a “Guerrilla warfare in the Air”.  Missiles and drones are new “ Air warriors”, who needs proper counter system to defeat them. In so doing,it seems, as was reported, that alert US Air Defence system in the Middle East also intercepted Iranian missiles. US President Joe Biden had reiterated on April 13, 2024, that the US' commitment to Israel’s security against Iranian threats was “ironclad."


Iran’s retaliatory attack had come after it had seized a container ship on 13 April,  near the Strait of Hormuz amid heightened regional tensions as the Israel-Hamas war was continuing Iran had asserted that the vessel was managed by a company linked to an Israeli businessman.


This is the new face of war and it has been shaping itself for quite some time. It is the ultimate face of “Non- Contact wars” before it graduated to “Invisible wars”, as was shown by world- wide Covid-19 menace. Emerging face of war says that there won’t be any more  “MONKEY DANCING ACROSS THE BORDERS” by men in Greens. The purpose of war, today, is no more occupation of territory but total annihilation of the enemy.


The emergence of drones has affected the Air warfare. Their effective  use by Azerbaijan in its conflict with Armenia in May 2021 , highlight its combat zone cruelty. Conventional airforces would no more be able to carry out their classic tasks,  such as interdiction, close air support and carpet  bombing etc without unacceptable damage.


 It is pertinent to know that hitherto the technology  to neutralise Air power was not available until drones became ubiquitous. So air superiority was what determined the outcome in earlier wars and even Gulf  wars 1 & 2.  But that has not worked in the Ukraine war. So countries now have to deal with “Guerrilla Warfare in  Air”,   in the same way as they have done to deal with it on the ground. A2/ AD (Anti - Air / Area Denial) system is the need of the hour to tackle “ Air Terrorism”.


BVR (Beyond Visual Range) weapons with tremendous ranges, computerised accuracy, and deadly lethality makes “front line soldiering” an improbable job. Drones and missiles with NBC  & non- NBC payloads would unleash more havoc than advancing tank formations of yesteryears!


As one looks at the world today, Nano- technology has jump-started the “Invisible Wars”.  It is in the form of Bio - weapons advancement . In communications, NANO technology has produced drones of the kind of Bumblebees who would roam unnoticed in your defences, whether  Strategic or tactical locations. Besides , the “Swarm” weapon systems have further improved the “Kill accuracy”. Laser and Anti- sat weapons, along with drones and missiles, have given a tremendous impetus to delivery systems.


What it means is that “King and Queen” of the Battle (Armoured Corps and Infantry) along with Air Force, in their current shape, were redundant. They  would have to carve out a new role for themselves for the war - making machine of the changing profile of war. They have to cast themselves in a new mould to avoid becoming the “Antiques” of war machines. In their current roles, they will be as forgotten as old Indian Rupee of 64 paisa. Ask any young man/woman  of today about “Dwanni”; “Takaa” and “Chauvani” — he/ she will just shrug his/ her shoulders .It is no doubts that old school of war making philosophy would soon become “FOSSIL” of Conflict.  Antiquity of time awaits it!


In conclusion, one could say that focus of war would now shift to “Hybrid mechanism” of conflict,  whereby internal vulnerabilities of adversaries are more attacked through “irregular warfare”. In short , it is a combination of use of “non- uniformed Irregular soldiers, along with the use of Misinformation Agents (media)”  to give a spin to one’s lies . Therefore, the emphasis of the role of regular soldiers would shift from “ external” to “ Internal” combat zones.


Coupled with Psychological operations, the use of  “disgruntled and frustrated elements” has become  more important to undermine enemy’s well set establishment. This is also called Hybrid warfare . Financial sanctions is part of this generation of warfare. This warfare uses semi - visible means to defeat the enemy. “Monkey dancing across the borders” is not an option. Purpose is to “Demolish your Enemy from Within”. Destabilisation of adversary through use of “irregular soldiers” by causing implosion is the only alternative way of waging war to avoid human extinction through WMD (weapons of Mass Destruction). Fighting internal enemy would become the main role of soldiers, both uniformed and non- uniformed .

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