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  • Lt Col Noel Ellis

ALL IS NOT WELL by Lt Col Noel Ellis

“All is not well”, coming from a ‘Dil Khush’ person like me must have a solid reason behind it. I further go to say ‘all is in the well’ in J&K with the Armed Forces taking so many casualties in the past few months. Is it acceptable to the nation?

Are we recruited only to die? Bugle calls, wreaths, and …. Amar rahe slogans, a guard of honour with full ceremonials and firing at the cremation ground, handing over the flag to the NOK, is this what we are going to keep witnessing every day. No sir, not me. Let us make this a movement to set things right as a dutiful citizen of India.

Counter insurgency grid has been pierced and perforated by these dastards. We are not willing to accept it. Boots on ground have been depleted, we are just moot spectators. The politicians have denuded troops from one place and pushed them to another frontier. At what cost?

Do we have our priorities right? Bragging about the after effects of abrogation of article 370, normalcy, peace, increase in tourism doesn’t gel with me. Stone pelting has gone, good, that doesn’t mean ‘all is well’ at all.

These ‘vermin’ are there and alive. They are digging rat holes and shifting bases with 400% local support. There is no way they can survive otherwise. Their burrows have to be smoked out. Their entrances and exits need to be choked and sealed.

All those caught should be sent to the 72 they yearn for, along with their supporters in broad daylight. Every life lost needs to be avenged. The mode, method and modus operandi can be worked out later.

My folded hands ‘Khama gani’ to the peaceniks. My apologies to the back track diplomacy kinds, my middle finger to those who propose talks. Above all, my dare to the dhotiwalas and babu ji’s who decide for the forces what is right but ask for an explanation when things go wrong.

The challenge to keep the economy running vis a vis spending on your armed forces can be discussed till cows come home. Is it worth reducing men on ground?

Let me put it this way. Why does a train meet with an accident? Human failure, equipment failure, inefficient man power are a few reasons. But, if you remove the gang man on patrol, checking the fish plates and nuts provides an opportunity for the miscreants to remove them.

If the engine driver does not see the signal, or interprets it wrongly, the fate of the train is an accident. If the crew of the engine is not alert or reduced, can we expect a smooth journey?

This is what is happening to the armed forces in J&K. Politicians and Bureaucrats are doing it on purpose. Each man killed in action is just a number for a ‘starred question’ and a debate for ‘Kari Ninda’.

Then why are we not reading the correct signals? Why are we not anticipating the moves of the terrorists? Why can’t we take proactive action? Why can’t the abettors be caught? Why can’t we increase boots, eyes, and ears on the ground?

America has fought no war on its own land, but see the amount of forces they have. What for? Are they going to war with Russia or China? The answer is NO. But do they have a deterrent, the answer is sure yes. Can they afford it? Yes. Can we afford it? The answer is yes, but politics in our country has a different agenda altogether. Politicians have different priorities. They have vote banks to please.

The state of J&K has been in turmoil since ages. Let it be for one decade more depending on how soon we make it safe. Time could be less or more. Let us do what is needed to flush these pests out. Let us also destroy their breeding grounds inside India and outside as well. Political will is needed.

Enough of pussy footing and please all approach has made these terrorists more defiant. There is trouble which needs to be sorted now. More coffins draped in the national flag are not acceptable.

A few Netas are needed to sacrifice themselves to get things going. With one attack on parliament the Armed forces were mobilised and kept on the border for one complete year. With surmounting deaths of Armed forces personnel, not one ant moves.

If Pakistan needs to be sorted out, so be it. If Hindustan needs sorting out in terms of policy, policing, manpower, intelligence, and support from the parliamentarians, then so be it. Let us detox our own body first. The pollutants, contaminants and toxic neighbours can be taken on thereafter.

When can I hear ‘all is well’ in J&K? I wonder!!!!!!

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Suniel Parihar
Suniel Parihar
Jul 19

Spot on! In addition to the issues that Col Noel has raised, which I totally agree with, as a veteran there's something else that's been bothering me : Is our current military leadership upto the mark? Are the Agniveer trained and motivated enough to take on the hard core terrorists with M4 Carbines and state of the art comn eqpt, besides the motivation of 72? Many of our casualties it seems have occurred as we have got into encounters - ambushed actually - in haste .


Jul 18

As usual Col Noel Ellis has nailed it. No punches held back. Brilliant article. Are the politicians and babus listening?

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